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Light From Somewhere by Michael Stockton

  • Backhaus Projects 168 Weserstr. Berlin, BE, 12045 Germany (map)

How to accept the loss of a loved one? How to keep on breathing when sorrow is so deep? Through his series of analogue black and white photographs Berlin-based photographer Michael Stockton uncovers the raw and often contradictory emotions, memories, and thoughts that are attached to loss and grief. The expressive photographs, texts, and collages featured in Light from Somewhere make us wonder if the lonely and often secretive way in which contemporary societies deal with pain is missing the ritualistic and social component that used to be part of grieving, a once community-centered affair. Remarkably, while inspired by life’s darkest moments, Stockton’s poetic portraits and dreamy depictions of natural elements also hint at the possibility of comfort, redemption, and, eventually, peace

23 October

Backhaus Projections Film Festival

17 March

Spice Bag Art Show